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Course Confirmation Module- All about it

If you have enabled Student Course Confirmation ( as an Administrator) you can now see and export their course selection data. 
Settings > Modules > Enable Course Confirmation

Enable the Module First

Navigate to Settings > Course Confirmation.
Here you can select if you want the HODs to be able to review students timetables, and also choose to display to students, their selected courses. They will then be able to go in and confirm each course and submit through to the admin. Here they can add notes also.
NOTE: This should only be done around January/ February each year after course selection has finished the previous year.

Course Confirmation Admin Settings

This is what the students will then see when they go to log in if you have requested they confirm their courses selected:

Student View Course Confirmation

Once your students have started confirming their courses, you can navigate to the main menu > Course Confirmations.

From there you will see an overview, a details screen, and an export option.


This shows you basic count statistics. 

 - Number of students who have logged in

- Number of confirmed courses

- Percentage Ratio

- Last 5 active students.


This screen lists all students and their courses. It will show the student details, course codes/names and if the student has confirmed that course.

When a student confirms a course they have the option to write a note. You will be able to see this, and the date the note was enterd. 


This allows you to export the above data and additional student data into a spreadsheet for further use, such as: reporting, filtering or graphing.

Course Confirmation Admin Summary

Updated on: 12/09/2023

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