Articles on: SchoolBridge

Staff Lockdown Module

SchoolBridge has a full featured Staff Lockdown alerting system. This guide explains the setup and use of the system.
Note: This area is accessible by staff and is not visible to Students or Whānau. For public communication use our Site Alert system.

Setting up for Lockdown Administrators

If you have access to the Settings area, you will be able to see the Lockdown settings screen.
Enter the following fields, and then add the "Staff Lockdown Admin" Icon to the Staff Dashboard and Sidebar.
Read more about managing Dashboards in this guide.

Lockdown Administrators
The staff selected here are admins of a lockdown, then can enable or disable the lockdown, see staff status updates, and send out full staff-wide notification messages.
A lockdown can be enabled and managed from the web interface and the SchoolBridge mobile Apps.

Lockdown Observers
These staff can read and view staff statuses, and view the lockdown details.

Default Lockdown Message
This message will be the first message sent to staff when lockdown mode is initiated and can be customised when enabling a lockdown.

Lockdown Procedures Description
Enter your lockdown procedures as you would like for it to appear in the app for staff, and in the optional emails that are sent out to staff.
You can modify it ay anytime to update during a lockdown.

Post Lockdown Procedures
These procedures will display in the app and notification email after the Lockdown is cancelled until you fully archive the lockdown.
Then a Report can be exported will all information related to the lockdown.

Lockdowns for Administrators and Observers

Click the Lockdown icon to access the Lockdown area, only Lockdown Admins can start a Lockdown.
Staff with the Observer permission can view details of a current lockdown, or export the previous lockdown Reports.

All other staff will be able to set their status during a lockdown, or redirected to the dashboard while there is no active lockdown.

Enabling a Lockdown

Enabling a Lockdown

Lockdown Administrators can enable the lockdown, customise the default message and choose the severity of the lockdown.
You can also choose to send an email to all staff containing the lockdown message and your school defined procedures.

Once your Lockdown is active, you can send our staff-wide notifications, and update the status/severity of the lockdown.

Changing the Status/Severity of your Lockdown

We have three states, you can adjust these by clicking the CHANGE STATUS button.

Viewing Staff Statuses

Lockdown Administrators and Lockdown Observers can view the status and updates of all staff.

Staff Setting their Status

When a staff member has registered for notifications using either the SchoolBridge APP, and/or the Browser notifications they will receive a notification when a lockdown is enabled/updated and closed.
Tapping that notification will bring them to SchoolBridge and allow them to set their current status.
They can set, and update their status as the situation around them changes.

Recording location:

If a staff member sets their status as "Not Safe" the app will ask them to report their location via geo-location services. It will keep reporting that back to the administrators while their status is set to not safe.
Once the lockdown is eased, all location recording will also stop.

Staff Using the App to set their Status

All functions of the Lockdown system can be managed on the App, or the website.

App interface for viewing and updating the lockdown

Updated on: 05/03/2024

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