Articles on: SchoolPoint

Careers - Student Interviews with Google and Microsoft Calendars

SchoolPoint Careers - Student Interviews

We have improved how Careers Administrators and other staff set up Interview times that allow students to book a one-on-one hui.

Update February 2023: We are just awaiting Google authorisation for the calendar integration to implemented.

How to Set this up:

Google Schools
In Careers => Student Career Interviews, click "My Booking Settings" and select the calendar you want to connect to SchoolPoint via our secure Google app connection.

Microsoft Schools
In Careers => Student Career Interviews, click "My Booking Settings" and select the calendar you want to connect to SchoolPoint via our secure Office 365 app connection.

Once authenticated, Then you can set up which days and times you're available during the school term for students to book with you.
You can also set interview durations, eg 1- or 15 minute blocks.

How to set up an available interview time range:
Click the +setup on the day of the week you want to create the available booking slots.
Choose the First and last interview time slots.
Set duration
Choose which students you want to see the interview time slots on their calendar.
Click SAVE. You can also go back to cancel the availability this way if anything changes.

Set up Bookable Time Duration

The date will go green, and read "Setup- Active". Your selected students will then be able to choose a time slot within the time range you have chosen. See further instructions below.

Book an Interview on behalf of a student:
Once you have set up the interview time range, you or staff with the right permissions, can go and manually book a student in for an interview via the admin side.

click in the white space under the "Setup- Active"
Choose the staff member to meet with the student, and the time. Leave it as "pending" if you want the student to confirm at their end, or chose "confirmed" to advise the student it is booked in.
You can add a message for the student and likewise optional notes for the staff only to see.

Book an Interview- Student View
Students can see the days on their "Assessment Calendar" (this label can be renamed) that staff have set up open booking times applicable to them.
They can only see 'free' times, any other items on your calendar show as 'unavailable' and no personal item details will be shown to Students or their Whānau (this Google and Microsoft calendar integration is still awaiting authentication)

Student View for Booking an interview

A student can request a booking on a free time block, which will add a calendar item to that staff members calendar once the integration is available.
The staff member will receive an email with the booking details, and they can confirm or decline this meeting request. This will also display on the admin view calendar under Student Career Interviews in SchoolPoint.

Students can Book appointments here, and see if approved

Approving a booking:
Currently, as a staff member you can approve a booking via the admin view calendar under Student Career Interviews in SchoolPoint.
Soon, the staff will receive an email from the student, with their details and bookings notes. Approving the booking will send an invite to the students school email and show on their calendars.
You can add your note private notes, and notes visible to the student.

Declining a booking:
If the staff member declines the booking, it will notify the student and remove the item for that staff members calendar, but show as declined on the student calendar.

Rescheduling a booking:
The student can request a new time, it will be treated like a new booking for the new time slot. if the old time slot is still pending, it will remove that from the staff members calendar.
If it has been approved, we will prompt the staff member to confirm the new event before deleting the old booking.

A staff member can reschedule the event in SchoolPoint with out needing to remove or approve the interview.

Colour Keys for Bookings
- A grey dot beside the student is indicative of another staff member's booking
- A green dot is confirmed.
- A red dot is declined
- An orange dot is pending

Updated on: 11/03/2024

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